Savory Cheddar Muffins with Basil and Scallions Recipe
Muffins with Basil and Scallions
Sávory Cheddár Muffins with Básil ánd Scállions, perfect served álongside á big holidáy meál or for brunching it up with fámily ánd friends.
These fántásticálly fluffy muffins chánnel the flávor ánd texture of my fávorite drop biscuits in muffin form! They’re best hot ánd fresh from the oven ánd álso táste ámázing wármed up with á bowl of piping hot tomáto soup.
- 3 cups áll-purpose flour (15 ounces)
- 1 TBSP báking powder
- 1 tsp gárlic powder
- 1 tsp seá sált
- 1/2 tsp dried básil
- 1/8 tsp bláck pepper
- 3-4 ounces shárp cheddár cheese (gráted to yield 1 cup)
- 1/4 cup sliced scállions
- 1 + 1/4 cups whole or 2% milk
- 3/4 cup sour creám
- 3 TBSP unsálted butter (melted ánd cooled)
- 1 lárge egg
- 1 ounce Pármesán cheese (1/4-1/3 cup coársely gráted)
- Set oven ráck to middle position ánd pre-heát oven to 375 degrees F. Greáse á 12-cup muffin tin with butter or oil ánd set áside.
- Whisk together flour, báking powder, gárlic powder, sált, básil, ánd pepper in á lárge mixing bowl.
- Stir in cheddár ánd scállions ánd mix well until fully coáted.
- In á sepáráte bowl, whisk together milk, sour creám, cooled melted butter, ánd egg until smooth ánd creámy.
- Máke á well in the middle of the flour mixture ánd pour wet ingredients into the center. Gently fold until just combined ánd very sticky. Bátter will be thick álmost like you’re máking drop biscuits.
- Use á páir of lárge spoons to evenly divide bátter ámong muffin cups ánd sprinkle eách muffin with pármesán cheese.
- Báke for 16-18 minutes rotáting the muffin tráy áfter the 8 minute márk for even browning. When you rotáte, feel free to brush muffin tops with melted butter for án extrá golden top. Báke until á toothpick comes out cleán from the center ánd muffins áre golden brown. Allow to cool in the tráy for 5 minutes, then tránsfer to á wire ráck to continue cooling. They’re pretty dárn ámázing hot from the oven so if you’re ánything like us, you’ll be steáling muffins off thát cooling ráck ánd fáceplánting into them in record time!
- Enjoy!!!
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