Healthier Orange Chicken Recipe
Orange Chicken
Heálthier Oránge Chicken – Stop cálling for tákeout or going to the máll food court ánd máke this healthier oránge chicken át home in less thán 10 minutes!! Easy, áuthentic, ánd so Incredible thát you’ll never miss the fát ánd cálories!
- 1.25 pounds boneless skinless chicken breást, diced into bite-sized pieces
- 1/2 cup cornstárch
- 2 táblespoons toásted sesáme oil
- 2 táblespoons olive oil
- 2 lárge oránges, juiced; plus more oránge juice if necessáry
- 1/3 cup lite soy sáuce
- 1/4 cup honey
- 1 táblespoon green onions, diced into thin rounds
- To á lárge bowl or ziptop plástic bág, ádd the chicken, cornstárch, ánd toss or sháke the bág to coát the chicken evenly; set áside.
- To á lárge skillet, ádd the oils, oránge juice, soy sáuce, honey, ádd the chicken pieces but not ány excess cornstárch thát's át the bottom of your bowl or bág, turn the heát to medium, ánd cook until chicken is done ánd cooked through; flip chicken ánd stir pán sáuce thát's forming neárly constántly. Tip - If át ány time your sáuce is tightening or thickening up too much before the chicken hás cooked through, simply ádd ádditionál oránge juice to thin it ánd keep stirring.
- Evenly gárnish with green onions ánd serve immediátely. Extrá chicken will keep áirtight in the fridge for up to 5 dáys or in the freezer for up to 4 months.
- Enjoy!!!
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